you are the best thing first dance

Top Wedding First Dance Songs Playlist

Top Wedding First Dance Songs Playlist

I know it can be challenging to choose a first dance song, or a father-daughter or mother-son song for your wedding. With the entire history of music available, plus new wedding love songs coming out every year, it can seem overwhelming to narrow it down.

If you are actually planning to dance during your first dance or parent dances (and not just prom sway), then the best playlists to listen through are ones compiled by wedding dance instructors. (Hint: if you are reading this, you are in the right place!)

Most Popular First Dance Songs of 2017

Most Popular First Dance Songs of 2017

Here are the most popular first dance songs of 2017 (plus all of the songs that my students chose to dance to this year.) If you are searching for a first dance song, you've come to the right place.